mayo 06, 2014


Conflict ignites when you are
it all begins: you are
will wallow in suffer
such it is; do not sustain

This, one's breath
holding on as so certain
No; it crepitates
it is surface

Scintillate while being
on the fragile immediacy
in the half-known
when you feel as other
the flame does hesitate
despair not; there's no such other

Substract yourself to inward
immersed, you feed the membrane
turn in and out into all there'll be
and so disolve it

You become a me, fully
embrace the whole that it is
In composure set penance
and ignite again

Hatch out unwalled
Hatch out

Hatch out unwalled
Hatch out

Hatch out unwalled every time
Hatch out

Fotografía editada mediante herramientas de la aplicación Pixlr Express para Android, por Autodesk®

* * * 

This poem is deeply inspired and influenced by the lyrical work put in the songs that are featured in the albums To Record Only Water For Ten Days (including also some of the songs played in the studio sessions that were commited in the making of this album and were not ultimately included in the original release) and Shadows Collide With People. Both of them uberly sublime creations of the extraordinary musician, composer, songwriter and singer John Anthony Frusciante, whom I keep in the upmost admiration.

* * * 

Sin muros, la versión en español de éste poema.

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