octubre 17, 2023

Will A. I.

Will A. I. imitate the way you laughed,
whether genuinely or sarcastically?
Will A. I. duplicate the way you sobbed
when your tears poured like the rain?
Will A. I. recreate the warmth of the hugs
you gave your loved ones?
Will it know which bad words you preferred to use
when your anger gushed out?

No, it wont, of course it wont...
Oh yes, it is intelligent, very so.
Intellectually, that is.
But it cannot know your heart;
it cannot pour emotions,
for feelings don't flow through it.
It can only pretend;
it will only imitate.

In other words,
A. I. can only show the way your tides waved,
it can only know the sounds and movement
of your sea, of its surface, above;
it could never contain the vastness below it,
deep, endless, everflowing.
It will never know
how to be you.

Now, do you know
how to be you?

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