diciembre 16, 2018


What could the unaware doe do
to outwit his close tracker
and elude the sparing old hunter
who goes out about so seldom
yet rarely miss his target?

What can the unaware doe do
against the swift dart set
to pierce her world entirely
turning it upside down
while she grazes gorgeously
through hillsides of youth?

What will the unaware doe do
against the wretched huntsman
when he finally comes close
to pull the arrow out of her chest
and spill the blazing blood
of such a fond, young heart?

What could possibly have done
the lingering old huntsman
to restrain his blest arm
from spoiling pristine life
while spellblinded by the shine
of lush, dun hide unneeded?

Fotografía tomada en 1973 por Doug Wilson.

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